A Creative Challenge for Students Worldwide
Giraff publishing company believes that talent comes in many different forms. A wild imagination can fill the skies with light. A methodical mind can make grains of sand into giant castles. Other talents might be shy but might be even more incredible. We believe in searching for the best in all of everyone. With a little hard work and passion, even those of us who are shy can achieve incredible things. We hope that you can use writing as a canvas and show us the marvels that you are capable of.
The right words can help you make friends, help you gain employment even perhaps save your life. Writing is so much more than that though. “We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect,” wrote Anaïs Nin. Writing gives each of us the ability to sculpt your dreams and cushion our pains. It is by putting things on paper that we are able to examine what we really think and feel. Without writing, life would be a picture of fruits on the wall that we could never taste. It is words on paper, your own ideas and your own stories that will allow you to enjoy again and again the desserts of your own lives.